What "Delights" You?


What “delights” you?  Have you taken the time to ask yourself this question?  Is delight a luxury that you can’t imagine happening? Last fall we attended the Boulder Month of Modern events and the key word this year was “delight”.  It got me thinking about a few things.

  1. When and how do I see delight in my clients?  It’s that look of relief when they walk into a clean, organized space that was once a dumping ground with no systems at all (or systems that got buried).  It’s that look of proudness when we are back months later for touch-ups and they realize the systems are still working and there is not a lot of work for us.  Just a quick maintenance session and they are off and rolling again.  It’s seeing them stand up taller when that weight of “stuff” is lifted off their shoulders.

  2. What delights me?  Every day I am focused on what can I do to make my client’s experience delight.  That is part of my job that I love but where else do I find my delight?  I find delight in spending time with my husband, which could be hiking or maybe playing a game of cribbage.  I delight in volunteering, right now with 1st and 2nd graders.  I delight in socializing with my friends.  I delight in re-folding all my sweaters (had to through some organizing thing since I am a professional organizer 😊). 

As I started to make this list I noticed that delight is not usually found in items or possessions yet in experiences and the spaces around us. And it is not a luxury that only few people can afford.  It is accessible to all of us.  It is a feeling that we can create for ourselves in so many ways.  And a great feeling it is!  What delights you?

Written by: Jennifer Vierow Gowler, Project Manager & Professional Organizer