My Favorite Organizational Product for Traveling!
/When I travel, my go to product to stay organized and spend less time rifling through my luggage is the pack-it by Eagle Creek. It can be found at The Container Store and REI and of course, Amazon. I like this product because it is lightweight and has two zippered compartments to put your clothes into. They usually come in packs of two which are different colors. For instance, the green one I will pack tops in one compartment and pants in the other. You can fit a surprising amount in each side. This makes for a quick way to find what you are looking for and keeps your luggage tidy. These are especially handy when your itinerary takes you to several cities in one trip.
Another travel tip is to keep all of your toiletries for traveling in one place at home in the bag you use to carry them. My husband travels a great deal and generally always has a carry on. I keep clear quart size bags with the appropriate sized toiletries stocked and ready for him to grab. Replenishing is easy once you return home because it is all in one place.
Written By: Leslie Dietrich, Project Manager